Tuesday, May 26, 2015

60 Free or Cheap Summer Activities To Do With Kids

The weather is warm, the kids are out of school and you need something to keep them happy without breaking the bank. Emma, Ally, and I put a list of fun stuff to do together over the summer that won't cost much or will be free. Let us know what you think. Please feel free to add ideas of your own in the comments.

1.  Go on a scavenger hunt
2.  Have a PJ day
3.  Search for animal tracks
4.  Make your own Mad Libs
5.  Have a movie marathon on a rainy day
6.  Fly a kite
7.  Play volleyball
8. Go on a picnic
9. Play with bubbles
10. Draw with sidewalk chalk
11.  Run through the sprinkler
12. Visit local nature preserve
13. Find figures in the clouds
14. Play in the kiddie pool
15. Look for free museum days
16.  Take a hike
17. Make mud pies
18. Take a family bike ride
19.  Make paper dolls
20.  Water the plants
21.  Camp out in the backyard
22.  Start a nature journal
23.  Have a yard sale
24.  Eat dinner outside
25.  Go fishing
26.  Create an online photo book
27.  Make a craft from Pinterest
28. Teach your kids to cook
29.  Pick flowers
30.  Have a yard sale
31.  Go camping
32. Watch the sun set
33. Play cards
34. Try a new recipe
35. Try a new recipe
36. Play dress up
37. Go for a scenic drive
38. Catch fireflies
39. Create an obstacle course
40. Have a water balloon fight
41. Read books aloud.
42. Make popsicles
43. Give each other make overs
44. Take pictures
45. Make our own book
46. Cloud watching
47. Create a memory box or jar
48. Build a campfire
49. Play hide and go seek (in the dark)
50. Visit historical landmarks
51.  Learn family’s history
52.  Scrapbook our summer activities
53.  Make a map of our neighborhood
54.  Make a treasure hunt
55.  Visit our library (even though we do this weekly already)
56.  Paint our nails
57.  Go on a nature hunt
58.  Visit the pet store
59.  Stargaze
60.  Photo scavenger hunt
I'm sure there is so much more that could be added to this list, but we just couldn't come up with anything else. You are welcome to add anything I left out. I hope this list helps solve the summer time boredom. 

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