Thursday, June 18, 2015

How To Build Your Own Time Capsule

How To Build Your Own Time Capsule

It's officially summer!! When I think about summer, I think of nonstop fun. There are so many fun things my family and I love to do during the summer. We night fish, camp, ride the inner-tube behind the boat, swim, catch lighting bugs, and so much more. If you'll notice all these activities are outdoors, and unfortunately it rains a lot here in the summer. We don't let just the rain stop us from having fun, however if that rain is accompanied by thunder and lightening it does. 

Here is an activity for those days that you can't get outside.

Time Capsule 

What you'll need:

  • A time capsule (you can use a jar with lid, coffee can with lid, whatever you have laying around that has a lid you can tighten up)
  • Photos, coins, anything that you want to give yourself in the future (nothing of high value)
  • Scissors
  • craft supplies (construction paper, glue, ribbon, etc) to decorate time capsule


1. Decorate time capsule however you want. That's if you even want to decorate it, but it's more fun to make it pretty. 

2. Place items such as photos and coins in your time capsule along with a note to yourself with the time, date,your age, and any other information you would like to add. Close the lid on your jar and place it in a plastic bag.

3. Now find a place in your yard to bury it. Just don't forget where you put it. I suggest near a tree or some other land mark.

You now have a time capsule. You can go back and dig it up in a few years to see the things you put in it. You will be surprised how interesting it is to look back at those memories. The most interesting thing you will look at will be your photos and handwriting.  

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