10 Home Remedies You Need to Know
As a mother I don't like to grab medicines when my girls are sick. I try using a more natural approach first. Most of the time it will work, but as you know it always depends on what the problem is to begin with.
Sore Throat- gargle salt water, has been a great way to relieve the pain of an aching throat for a long time. Add 1 Tbsp. table salt to a cup of warm water, gargle and spit. popsicles and sherbert help too
Pink Eye/ Eye Infection– A few drops of breast milk in the infected eye several times a day can cure some babies eye issues. If breast milk is not available moistened chamomile tea bags applied to the eye several times a day for several days can work as well.
Cough- Combine juice from ½ a lemon and 2-3 Tbsp. of raw honey, warmed in the microwave sip as needed to soothe coughs
Lice– Saturate hair with mayonnaise, pile it on top of your child’s head and let it sit for as long as your child will tolerate (2 hours if possible) Pick up a lice comb from the pharmacy and comb thoroughly every couple days. Repeat as needed. Rinse hair with vinegar often to avoid getting lice.
Headache/Sinus Pressure- Lavender or Peppermint essential oil either inhaled or applied topically to the temples or bottom of skull. Peppermint dilates blood vessels and gets blood pumping while lavender relaxes you.
Bug Bites– Make a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the bite and allow it to sit and remove the sting. Witch Hazel and Tea Tree Oil are said to relieve pain and itching from bites as well. For Mosquito bites apply a frozen spoon to the bite to stop the itching.
Swimmer’s Ear- Use a mixture of ½ alcohol and ½ vinegar as a preventative for ear infections, put 1 drop in each ear before swimming. Do not use if you have an active ear infection.
Plantar Warts– Tape a piece of banana over top of warts, within a few days the wart falls right off.
Sunburns- Aloe Vera applied to red sunburned skin offers quick, mild relief. Aloe plants are very easy to grow and are a must have in every yard.
Fever – fluids, a luke warm bath, and two pair socks soaked in apple cider vinegar placed on feet and around wrists can help reduce fevers below 102 by a few degrees anything higher or that won't go away should be brought to a physicians attention
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